Wednesday, December 16, 2020

bill barr

AG Bill Barr is a White Hat: Here's How We Know (GreatAwakening) submitted 3.1 hours ago by Publius1778 So I'm sure some of you read Barr's non-resignation, resignation letter.... Interesting. A resignation letter is not just to inform your boss you're leaving, but a legal assertion in writing that you are vacating your position. It's a legal document. Normally you say: "With this letter I am herein tendering my resignation forthwith." or some such in the first sentence... Barr did no such thing. He said I'll be "departing" on Dec 23 in the penultimate paragraph of the letter. That's it. The word resign or its synonyms are no where to be found in his letter. Is this a vacation? A leave of absence? Listen at the 22min mark. More time to spend with his family over Christmas, then Bannon looks down and almost smirks. Meanwhile Epshteyn says that the President acknowledged he and Barr still have a good relationship. Just as interesting he speaks often in the present tense about his time in the DOJ whereas normally when you're quitting your job, it's something in the past, and the past tense. How we know Barr is a White Hat despite his CIA background: "Spying, it's a good English word". NO ONE had the courage to say this in government and Barr did it in a Senate hearing no less as AG with reputation on the line. Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself. Who put Epstein away? Lin Wood suggested the other night that Epstein is alive. Gislaine Maxwell is behind Barrs. The Durham Special Counsel. The AP interview was a head fake. In the first paragraph of his letter Barr acknowledges to Trump that the DOJ is investigating election fraud. Listen to the public lectures on youtube Barr gave over the past 2.5 years about the Constitution, the rule of law and religious liberty. The "departure" was amicable from both parties. Barr wasn't fired on Twitter. Barr is being hated on by the media as the worst political hack to ever darken the doors of the DOJ. Normally when a Trump dept. or agency head leaves that is not on board with Trump the media celebrates how courageously they attempted to moderate Trumps capricious mentality. See: Gary Cohn General Kelly Doggy Pooh Mattis Rex Tillerson H.R. McMaster to name a few. Compare with this. If the MSM is loathing Barr that means he did his job and scared them shitless. Meanwhile for all the dipshits who told us for 4 years that Trump was a Deep Stater or bought by Israel, perhaps you've noticed they want him out of office really badly.

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